Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Berry bushes are doing well...

I don't know what tree this is but it's looking good...

Fig tree looks good...even looks like there is a little fig forming.

One of the sad deer injured trees. The only one with any growth on it.

Cherry tree looks good. Not much of a photographer so I'm not even sure if you can see the buds.

Another cherry tree photo which is not very good at all. Obviously we don't cut our grass very often. We did water the trees and I will put another shot of fertilizer on them. No deer so that's the best part of all since they are protected this time. Yahoo for that...

1 comment:

2x2momma said...

Fun to see the photos of those trees- glad to see that Emily is hanging in there too, and the rest of you! Look forward to seeing you at Easter. xox