Hi everyone! Well, I've been wanting to write something on here for a while, but I couldn't think of anything exciting. I completely forgot about this story. Mom(Louise) reminded me of the story, so I decided it was exciting enough. Ok well, here it goes... we were walk up to the temple for our YW's activity(Virtue walk). Grace, two of our friends, and I were run ahead to find a clue that Grace needed to find, when all of a sudden we head a rattle and hissing right next to us. We screamed ad run to the other side of the path. Probably not the smartest thing we could have done, but too late. there was a snake right next to me!!!!! Not only was it a snake it was a rattle snake. It was staring at us and hissing and rattling it's tail. By the time everyone else got up there It was slithering up the hill. It was scary, but I enjoy those moments were it make your heart race and you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Mom jokes about it and says that it is when the serpent crossed our path on our Virtue Hike. There will be a picture of it coming soon. The Virtue Hike was overall fun though. When we got to the temple we had lemon squares and a couple talk to us about marriage in the temple and how rewarding it is. Then we got to sign a Virtue Banner and write our own commitments on being virtuous. It was a lot of fun. Well I hope that was exciting enough to put on the blog, but if it isn't oh well. That's all for now. Bye.
glad to hear you stayed true and fought off the evil serpant! i hit one on my bike the other day on the bike trail. scary stuff.
WOW!!!!! That would be scary. What kind of snake was it, do you know?
RATTLER! the serpant!! scared me bad. and it was not happy about it.
OH NO!!!!!!! That is scary because it was probably mad and scared. The one we saw was a rattle snake too. Pretty scary stuff.
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