Yesterday was Mom's birthday, so we had planned on cooking dinner for her. I didn't get off work until 3 but when I got home Caleb, Jamie, Emily, Grace, Dad, and Jesse were cutting down the tree in the backyard! They were working on the tree and setting up the new play place for close to 5 hours! WOW! Lots of work.. Anyway, here are a few pictures that I have from yesterday. Happy birthday MOM! We love you!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sorry to be so braggerly, but I got on the Mormon Women Project today. I first saw this website a year ago and loved it! It was such an honor to be posted alongside women who have truly incredible stories, mine feels kind of dorky. Interviewing is really hard and it turned out more cheeseball than I realized until it was posted for all to see- but oh well. Check it out here
I have always wanted one of these wooden play structures. I wanted one with each set of kids we had. I consider them to be in sets. The older kids, the middle kids and the little kids. Well I'm finally going to have one. Costco was having a sale on this one and I went online and bought it. Should be here in two to three weeks. At least we will finally have one for the grandkids and of course Emily and Grace said they would use it too. Haha...
I really liked this one and I just had to share it with you all!!!
"Moral discipline is the consistent exercise of agency to choose the right because it is right, even when it is hard. It rejects the self-absorbed life in favor of developing character worthy of respect and true greatness through Christlike service (see Mark 10:42–45)."
"Because love is the great commandment, it ought to be at the center of all and everything we do in our own family, in our Church callings, and in our livelihood. Love is the healing balm that repairs rifts in personal and family relationships. It is the bond that unites families, communities, and nations. Love is the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, civility, and respect. It is the source that overcomes divisiveness and hate. Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine hope. Love should be our walk and our talk." Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Love of God," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 21
"Do not be discouraged because you cannot learn all at once; learn one thing at a time, learn it well, and treasure it up, then learn another truth and treasure that up, and in a few years you will have a great store of useful knowledge which will not only be a great blessing to yourselves and your children, but to your fellow men" (The Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, p. 269).