I submitted one of the posts on my blog to
www.powerofmoms.com just for kicks one day and today they published it on their site! Powerofmoms.com was started by one of the daughters of the family who started Joy School, it's fun to see how the program really "worked" for them ;) I love this website, it's a fun resource for moms, I've actually started one of their 'learning circles' here in LA and I was thrilled they put up my post. In case you don't know, this summer I started reading tons of parenting books because I was having a struggle with my kids. I got more and more into it, blogging about what I was learning, and recently when someone in my twins group lost her twin sons who were born almost to the day gestationally as Caleb and Julian, I felt motivated to continue trying to improve my parenting and not just quit my project at the end of the year. When Caleb and Julian were enduring all their surgeries, xrays, tests and other horrible things in the NICU and we didn't know if they were going to make it, I tearfully promised them day after day I would be the best mom I could. I realized that while I'd been doing a good job I could continue to be a bit better. So I started a new blog away from our personal Puente blog at
www.givingkidsourbest.com just this week with some goals and thoughts and plan to keep this up a bit longer. I was thrilled that powerofmoms published one of my entries, and they encouraged me to submit to their 'best of the blogs' section. I don't know how I find time for this, but somehow learning and sharing and throwing out questions has become a big priority and I feel it's really been helping us here at home to do the important things.