I've been wanting to get Caleb and Julian involved in soccer for a while now. Especially for Caleb as I hoped it would be a good way to get his right leg strengthened. They are too young for league soccer (AYSO's youngest group is Under 6, which we won't be eligible for until fall 2011). There are a couple of small classes available, but they are ridiculously expensive, which is compounded by the fact that we have two to enroll in everything. So, we decided that I would try coaching a team at the Church ball field. I was pretty nervous about it as I don't consider myself either a particularly good teacher or patient. My anxiety was compounded by the fact that we ended up with 13 kids wanting to participate (not to mention that Jack and Christian were sure to be in the mix). But I bought a DVD for coaching little kids and hoped for the best.
Well, we've been at it for about 5 weeks now and I have to say its been super fun. All the kids are a bit young, so focus and following instructions are a challenge, but they just love being with each other kicking balls and scoring goals. Its a blast to see them figuring stuff out and acquiring skills. I think they could all be really good little players if they stick with it.
It has also highlighted how very different Caleb and Julian are. Julian can't get enough. He absolutely loves playing soccer and he loves getting his shorts, shin guards and cleats on. He is by far the most enthusiastic kid on the pitch. Caleb, on the other hand, is a little cool to the whole concept. He's very social and loves to see the other kids, but he's reluctant with the ball and pretty easily distracted. That said, he's warming up to it and it has been great exercise for him.
Hopefully we'll take more pictures this week to post.