I suppose I have waited long enough to post something about
Zander. It has just been an awful roller coaster these last six weeks.
Zander was born on October 28th at 8:39am. He was 4lbs and 14oz and 17 inches long. When he was first born I got to see him for about 1 minute before they took him to the NICU. I just remember being so relieved that he cried. After I saw him for that minute I wasn't able to see him until the next day since they had me on so much medicine. He was on a little bit of oxygen for the first night to help his little lungs get used to breathing and then he didn't need it any more. He also had the feeding tube in his nose (a couple of times) to help make sure he was getting the calories that he needs. I remember going in and seeing him in the morning and being so excited that they were able to remove the tube and found out that he had ripped it out...he did that both times that they had put it in!!
When we left the hospital he was 5lbs and when I took him to the doctor five days later he is already 5lbs 8oz so he is gaining weight well. We get to go back for our weekly weight checks to make sure he is still gaining.
Haylee is so excited to be a big sister. Because it is RSV season, she wasn't able to go into the
NICU to see him at all and there were no windows into the room that he was in so she was just living off of pictures. They had transferred him to a new nursery the Sunday before he came home so before church my mom, Bryan,
Haylee and I went to the hospital so she could finally get a peak at him through a window. She did so well the entire time that I was in the hospital before
Zander was born and the time I stayed in after he was born.
So we are all home together now and
Zander continues to grow. I hope to be able to bring him to meet you all at Thanksgiving.